Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cell Phones in School?

Here is a rough draft to the beginning of my english paper about cell phones in school.

Some believe it is a vital necessity to have cell phones in school. Others believe that cell phones are a hindrance to students and teachers and should not be used in school. Would you let you child bring a cell phone to school so you can contact each other? If you were or are a teacher would want your students being interrupted with cell phones? Do you own a cell phone? Do you absolutely loath cell phones? . Beth Lynn states in a pro and con article she wrote on that, “Cell phones are a wonderful convenience and fun gadgets to have. However, there is still debate about whether or not they belong in schools. Whether you are “for” or “against” something, isn’t it always a good thing to hear both sides? This paper states facts on both sides, so read on for facts.

Cell phones can be a great way to communicate with you child while he/she is at school. Students often do projects at school and are unable to ever bring them home. When this occurs kids can take a picture of the project and send the picture to their parents. Parents often enjoy the reminder of what the students are doing in school and students will be able to keep a picture of their project for years to come. Parents and students both benefit from the advantages of the modern day cell phone. And that best friend that is sick and in bed, with nothing to do; no worries! Kids can text their un-well friends the assignments they get as soon as they receive them. That way the sickly child has a head start on the work they have to make up. This is an easy way to get informed on assignments and no post-sick-day stress for the recovering child. Still not convinced that phones in school are the best decision? Read on for some head turning advantages to having a cell phone in school.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Global Climate Change

Global climate change is happening everyday. several organisms a day go extinct do to the fact that Earth is going through man made changes. We are all contributors to the decrease in the health of our Earth so let's all help out so we can get it back into shape. What are you willing to do to save the Earth?