Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taylor Swift

Have you guys listened to Taylor Swift's Love Story?! I absolutely love that song! I am not usually a fan of country music but Taylor's rock/country music I almost always love!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The War in Iraq

I was just reading an article on about the war in Iraq. It said they had a poll on it saying that 63% of America's population opposed it. While 36% of the population ar "for" it. Are you guys "for" or "against" the war? Luckily, the future president Barack Obama says as soon as he is in power he will get the troops out. Which the bad part means waiting another 16 monthes for the troops to come home. When I was viewing I read another article on George W. Bush to be ranked the worst president in history. Do you think so? Or are you a Bush supporter?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Newsies are dedicated to telling you the news on EVERYTHING. The news can range from who wore what at the American Music Awards to what Barack Obamas plans are for the future. It all just depends on what happens to be interesting that day and what you the viewers want to read about. So make sure to comment on what topics would be good to talk about!